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National Dance Award 2000 Spain, awarded by the Ministry of Culture  of Spain in its modality of creation.

National Dance Award 2004 - Costa Rica awarded by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports  –best choreography- with “Datura Sanguínea”

Prize of Culture - Dance - of the Community of Madrid 2011, Spain.

ADE Association of Stage Directors Award for the best choreographic production in 1991 and finalist in 1996, UP 2000 Special Award for his artistic career and 2nd Ricard Moragas Award (Generalitat of Catalonia) in 1992.

He has created more than 80 creations, both complete productions and various short pieces for Galas, video-dance, street shows and has collaborated in various productions of Cinema, Theatre, Opera, Multimedia and promotion of other creators.  Made video creations for stage in own productions, UNA Camera Company of Costa Rica, Inés Narváez, Gonzalo Simon, etc Sound spaces and compositions in own shows and those of other companies, as well as light designs. 

With his works he has toured Europe, Asia, Africa and America participating in emblematic Festivals within the diffusion of  contemporary dance: PARIS Autumn Festivals, LYON Dance Biennale, MARBURG Balance Festival, FRANKFURT Off Tat, Rencontres d'Octobre in LIEGE, LILLE's La rose des vents, BIARRITZ's Le temps d'aimer, International Art Summit of INDONESIA, The Turning World in LONDON, East - West of ROVERETO, Intercity FLORENCE,  Hebbel Theater of BERLIN, Dance Theater and City Theater of MEXICO DF, The footprint of Spain in HAVANA, MIAMI International Festival, American Dance Festival USA, San Martín Theater of BUENOS AIRES, Solis Theater of MONTEVIDEO, San Martín Theater Ginés de SANTIAGO DE CHILE, Gran Teatro de la Ciudad, MEXICO DF, José Limón International Festivals, Entre Fronteras, A desert for dance and Bodies in Transit in Mexico, International Festival of the Arts of Costa Rica and a long etc. international and national (MADRID en Danza, Maiatza Danzan, Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona, Albeniz Theater in Madrid, Dansa Valencia, Sala Cuarta Pared, Teatro Pradillo, Center for New Creators, etc.) 

His works have had co-productions with public and private entities in France, Germany, Brazil, Mexico, USA, Costa Rica  and Spain.  From the year 2000 to 2012 10 & 10 dance – MÓNICA RUNDE was a company in residence at the Center for New Creators – Sala Mirador in Madrid. Runde is currently a member of the Fundación Centro de Nuevos Creadores and a member of the Spanish Academy of Performing Arts.    


- 2022. Precipitates. Stage act with Inés Narváez and Elisa Sanz in Dramaturgy, direction, space             scenic. Creator of Video-scene, sound space and interpretation. Premiere Teatros del Canal, Madrid.

- 2021. I live Vivaldi. Stage act together with Inés Narváez and Elisa Sanz in Dramaturgy, direction, space             stage and costumes. Creator of the Video-scene, sound space and interpretation. Naves del Español premiere at Matadero, Madrid.

- 2020. Susana y los viejos - Ephemeral Sketch # 9. Performance at the ELLAS CREAN Festival at the Lázaro Museum     Galdiano from Madrid with Inés Narváez (@). Video, sound space and interpretation.

 - 2020. Gigantes y Cabezudos - Ephemeral Sketch # 11. Performance at the CERVANDANTES Festival in Alcalá de Henares with Inés Narváez (@). Video, sound space and interpretation.

- 2020. The Muses of Inés Narváez. SUGE Festival, Fourth Wall Room. Video on stage, sound space.

- 2020. Two Gala with Inés Narváez and Elisa Sanz (%). Video, sound space and interpretation.

- 2020. Ephemeral Sketch # 13 with Inés Narváez and Elisa Sanz (%). sound space and interpretation. Performance MUSEO DEL PRADO, celebration of the museum's 201 years.

- 2019. Memory Labyrinth. Fourth Wall Room, celebration of 30 years of 10 & 10. Original idea and            interpretation. Creation with Inés Narváez and Elisa Sanz (%)

- 2019. La Luz - Ephemeral Sketch # 7. Performance at the SURGE Festival within the transversal activities, 

with Inés Narváez (@). Video, sound space and interpretation.

- 2019. My first creation only on VHS. Performance installation within “Solos Praillo”

- 2019. One moment in Time (Now) by Inés Narváez. Video on stage and lighting of the plastic installation 

- 2018. Ephemeral Sketch # 5. Performance at Fundación Telefónica de Madrid, with Inés Narváez (@)

   Ondine. ETC Scenic Laboratory, Sala Cuarta Pared, Madrid (%)

Ephemeral Sketch # 3. Performance at the Burgos Art Center Museum, with Inés Narváez (@)

- 2017. Ephemeral Sketch #1. Performance at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Navarra together with 

             Inés Narváez and cellist Luis Felipe Serrano (@)

- 2016. Oblivion……. of white thread, choreography and video on stage. Conception of the installation after the performance. Madrid International Dance Festival, Sala Cuarta Pared. (@)

    Reflections of a German. Video installation and sound space for the SURGE Festival

- 2015. Reflections of a dyslexic. SURGE Festival, DT Stage Space, Madrid (@)

- 2013. In Parts. Choreography and videos on stage. Black Box Experimentation Forum – CENART, Mexico City

- 2012. Identities. Fernan Gomez Theater. Art Center, Madrid. (#)

- 2011. Fifty. Choreography and videos on stage. Center for New Creators, Madrid

- 2010. Tris After. Madrid Dance Festival. Center for New Creators, Madrid

- 2009. Letters to the Director. Fernán Gómez Theater in Madrid. (+)

- 2008. Flexible Structures. Center for New Creators of Madrid.

- 2007. What you see, n xsT. Salón Cervantes Theater, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

- 2006. Until Tomorrow. Center for New Creators, Madrid

- 2005. Woman's strands. Center for New Creators, Madrid  

- 2004. Shapes and lines in motion (*). Premiere Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art of Madrid.  

- 2003. Contrasts (*). Center for New Creators.   

- 2002. The smile of Alice's cat (*). Center for New Creators.  

- 2001. Them and Me. Center for New Creators.  

- 2000. Libyan (*). Canal de Isabel II              

   Trio for strings, air and percussion. Albeniz Theater in Madrid.  

- 1999. Blood Datura. Fourth Wall Room.             

     Take away the bad Commissioned by LA ALTERNATIVA Festival. Pradillo Theater  

- 1998. Crooked & Cachué (*). Madrid in Dance, Unusual Spaces              

             decreasing. Fourth Wall Room. 

             samsara. Olimpia Room, CNNTE 

- 1997. He rides so much, he rides so much (*). Fourth Wall Room.              

     Petrus. Fourth Wall Room.  

- 1995. Anyway (*). Albeniz Theater in Madrid              

             The reality and desire. Olimpia Room, CNNTE  

- 1994. Aqua (*). Madrid in Dance, Unusual Spaces  

- 1993. Years Waiting for a gesture. Olympia Room,    CNNTE                

             And why not? (*). Albeniz Theater in Madrid  

- 1992. c33 and Other Tales. Sala Olimpia, CNNTE       

             Four things (*). Pradillo Theater  

- 1991. Meeting Point. Olimpia Room in Madrid. 

             Our time. TANGENTE Festival, (Canada) 

- 1990. Synonyms. Campoamor Theater in Oviedo 

(%) Joint creation of Inés Narváez, Mónica Runde and Elisa Sanz  

(@) Joint creation of Inés Narváez Arróspide and Mónica Runde

 (#) choreography by Mariko Aoyama, Catherine Allard, Susan Kempster, Hilde Koch and Monica Runde

(+) choreography Teresa Nieto, Mónica Runde and Carmen Werner

(*) choreography by Pedro Berdäyes and Mónica Runde


(Choreography, scenic movement, editing and creation of sound spaces, 

videos for the scene and lighting designs)


- 2000. Dance steps. Dir. John Malkovich  

- 1991. The Greek labyrinth. Dir. Rafael Alcázar  



Sound spaces, video-scene, light designs, choreography

- 2019.  I don't know what this is but I WANT IT. Original idea by Gonzlao Simón. Creation of the video on stage, edition of the sound space, interpretation and collective creation with Bea FD, Inés Narváez, Elisa Sanz and Gonzalo Simón.

- Solo Pradillo. creation together with Inés Narváez of the light space for all the solos in this edition (creators: Elena Aranda, Sebastián Calvo, David Carome, Alba G. Herrera, Inés Narváez, Gonzalo Simón, Mónica Runde, Irene Vázquez and Carmen Werner)

- 2018. Tall. by Gonzalo Simón and Juan Carlos Toledo. Creation of sound space and dramaturgy.

- 2017. ….. and perhaps Smile by Inés Narváez. Creation of the sound and video space for the scene

Disconnection of Gonzalo Simón. Creation of improvised sound space live

    Truffaut would never speak of this. of Luis Carlos Molina (Cía La Mínima). Illumination design

- 2016. A minute of silence. by Ines Narvaez. Illumination design

- 2013. In parts, choreography and video for UNA Dance Chamber Company, Costa Rica - CPA of the National University, Heredia, COSTA RICA.

- 2012. Hylomorphism, choreography for Compañía T.A.C.H., CNC- Sala Mirador, Madrid.

- 2009. Ginkgo, choreography for Ballet Magdeburg, Operntheater Magdeburg, Germany.

- 2008. Al Tiempo, choreography for Compañíadehecho – Air Dance. Madrid Scene, 

- 2007. Please be punctual, choreography for Madrid en Danza. Theater of the Abbey, Madrid.

- 2005. Great Choreographers of history. Internal Day Gala. Dance, ACPD. Stage co-direction with Natalia Menéndez, Teatro Albeniz, Madrid

- 2004. Datura Sanguínea, CND of Costa Rica. National Theatre, San José (Costa Rica). Choreography

- 2004. Young Choreographers of the XXI century. Internal Day Gala. From Dance, ACPD. Stage co-direction with Natalia Menéndez, Teatro Albeniz, Madrid.

- 2000. Suitcases. Aracaladanza. Theater  the Abbey of Madrid.  Choreography

- 1999. Take away the bad. Festival la Alternativa, Teatro Pradillo  Choreography

- 1994. Still untitled. American Dance Festival, Reinold Theater, North Carolina (USA)  Choreography

- 1993. Bolero?. ITI, UNESCO, Munich Opera House (Germany)  Choreography

- 1990. Synonyms. Young Ballet María de Avila, Fleta Theater in Zaragoza Choreography 


LYRICAL / OPERA (Choreography and stage movement)

- 2017. The Villain. Stage Direction Natalia Menéndez. Zarzuela Theater, Madrid. Choreography

- 2008. Classical Music. Chapí, Stage Direction Natalia Menéndez. Zarzuela Theater, Madrid. Choreography and stage movement

- 2006. The Favourite. Donizzeti. Stage direction Tomás Muñoz. Campoamor Theater in Oviedo. Choreography

- 2005. The Knight of the sad figure. Thomas Mark. Dir. Guillermo Heras, Teatro Circo, Albacete. Choreography and stage movement

- 1998. Green eyes of the moon. Thomas Mark. Dir. Guillermo Heras, Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid. Choreography and stage movement

- 1994. The crystal of cold water. Spotted Pink. Dir. Guillermo Heras, Sala Olimpia CNNTE. Choreography and stage movement   



 - 2021. Wake up by Ana Rayo. Dir. Natalia Menéndez, Spanish Theatre, Madrid. Choreography,                       movement of the actress  and stage movement.

- 2021. Two o'clock by Esther Carroduegas. Dir. Natalia Menéndez, Naves del Matadero, Madrid.         Choreography, acting movement and stage movement.

- 2019. Three Mihura top hats. Dir. Natalia Menendez. Maria Guerrero Theater. Choreography and scenic movement.

- 2016. Angst by Carlos A. Alonso. Illumination design.

- 2016. Salvator Rosa or the artist of Francisco Nieva. Dir. Guillermo Heras. Theater Maria Guerrero. Scenic movement and physicality work of the actors.

- 2008. The Sisters-in-law of Michel Tremblay. Dir. Natalia Menéndez, Spanish Theatre, Madrid. Choreography and stage movement

- 2007. The Curious Impertinent by Guillen de Castro, CNTC. Dir. Natalia Menéndez, Teatro Principal Alicante. Choreography and stage movement

- 2005. Winter under the table by Roland Topor, CDN. Dir. Natalia Menéndez, Teatro María Guerrero Madrid.  Choreography and stage movement

- 2002. The old should not fall in love with Castelao, CDN. Dir. M. Cultural Center of the Villa de Madrid.  Choreography and stage movement

- 2000. Today I can't go to work because I'm in love with Iñigo Ramírez de Haro from Dir. Natalia 

              Menéndez, Galileo Theater in Madrid.  Choreography and stage movement

- 1997. The jester of the King of Vicente Risco, CDG. Directed by Manuel Guede. Main Theater, Pontevedra. Choreography and stage movement

- 1993. Nosferatu by Francisco Nieva, Dir. Guillermo Heras, Sala Olimpia CNNTE, Madrid . Choreography and stage movement

- 1991. Make me a story of the night by Jorge Márquez, Dir. Manuel Collado, Teatro Bellas Artes, Madrid. Choreography and stage movement  


- 2015. We Are Alive Show. Rock concert for the group K&K. Main Theater, Burgos. Stage Co-Direction (With Elisa Sanz), dramaturgy, lighting design and choreography.

- 1994. Quasar. Presentation of the Jesús del Pozo collection and perfume. Albeniz Theatre, Madrid


From the year 2000 – 2014  Contemporary dance and production teacher at the Cristina Rota School of Dramatic Art (Centro de Nuevos Creadores).

Specialist Teacher at the Conservatorio Superior de Danza, María de Ávila in Madrid where she teaches choreographic workshops, technical classes, contact improvisation, methodology, repertoire analysis, choreographic composition and video-creation workshops for the specialties of Choreography and Pedagogy.

Teacher in the Master of Theater Creation at Carlos III University.

She has been a teacher at the dance schools Conchita Huarte (Madrid – 3 years), Pinneaple (London – 1 year), María de Avila (Madrid – 3 years), Carmen Senra (Madrid – 4 years), LA VENTILLA Choreographic Center (5 years) 

He has taught intensive courses in schools and universities: Carlos III of Madrid, American Dance Festival (Two editions at Duke University, USA, ITI (UNESCO) Congress in Munich (Germany), National University of Costa Rica, National Dance Workshop of Costa Rica, Dance Academy of Mexico, Guipúzcoa Provincial Council, Bilbao Provincial Council, Junta de Extremadura, Association of Dance Professionals of Madrid, Sala Cuarta Pared, Complutense University of Madrid and Escuela SCAENA de Carmen Roche among others.

He teaches classes to professional dance companies, the National Dance Company of Costa Rica, Provisional Dance – Carmen Werner, Centro Andaluz de Danza (CAD), Aracaladanza Company, Magdeburg Ballet (Germany), UNA Chamber Company of Costa Rica, etc. .

Together with a group of contemporary dance pedagogues, he developed the Curricular Project for the Contemporary Dance specialty  of the Professional Conservatory of Dance of Madrid, Marienma (Intermediate Degree).

He has taught choreographic creation classes at the National University of Costa Rica and choreographic creation, methodology, technical classes and video creation workshops at the Dance Academy (INBA-CONACULTA), Mexico City and at the Maria de Ávila Conservatory. from Madrid.



- Director of POR LA DANZA Magazine, 2003 - 2005  

- Curator of the traveling exhibition Danza la Vida CAM, Madrid, 2002. 

- Artistic director and creator of the project TRASDANZA  (Together with Mercedes Pacheco and Alberto García (Youth on the move), Community of Madrid. 2002 - 2005 

- Writes the chapter on production in the Dance Services Guide, edited by the C.A.M.  

- Speaker at Conference on Dance Management Models, Complutense University of Madrid

- Speaker at Conference Models of Cultural Management, Ministry of Culture of Spain  

- Executive producer of 10 & 10 dance since 1989. 

- Speaker at Conferences on the situation of Dance, University  Menendez Pelayo. 2008

- Member of the Dance Council of the Ministry of Culture, Spain.  From the year 2001 - 2010

- President of the Cultural Association for Dance, Spain 2003 - 2005  

- Member of the Association of Dance Professionals, from 2001 to 2005  

- Member of the Center for New Creators Foundation 

- Founding member and member of the Board of Directors of the Academy of Performing Arts of Spain (AAEE), from its foundation to the present day.

- Speaker at the summer courses at the Escorial of the Complutense University of Madrid (2017) organized by the Ibero-American Educational and Cultural Television

Counselor in various institutions and National and International Universities.




She began her classical ballet studies at the age of four at the Conchita Huarte Ballet School in Madrid (Castelló 43).

In 1979 to 1981 he studied at the Center International de la Dance Rosella Hightower  in Cannes (France) Classical Ballet (Technique, repertoire, pas de deux and pointes), contemporary dance techniques (Graham and Limón), Jazz, Russian Dances, Spanish Dance, Mime, Dramatic Art, Piano, Solfeggio, History of Dance , Anatomy applied to movement and stage makeup. 

In 1982 he continued his studies at York University in Toronto, contemporary techniques (Graham, Limón, Cuninngham and Contact Improvisation), choreographic composition, lighting design and artistic production. 

In 1983 she took the "One year special" course at the London Contemporary School, England (Graham Technique, Pedagogy and Choreography of contemporary dance).

Titled by the Royal Professional Conservatory of Dance of Madrid.

Degree in choreography and dance interpretation, Ministry of Education, Spain.


  • Languages: Basic, MS Dos, HTML, Java, Java Script, Action Script.

  • Operating systems: MS Dos, Windows (from 3.1 to Vista), Mac (from System 7 to Mac OS X)

  • Software: Photoshop, In Design, FreeHand, Flash, FlashVideo, Dreamweaver, Premiere, AfterEffects, Final Cut, Davinci Resolve, Encore, Soundbooth, Audition, Media Encoder. Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel, Access). iLife (iMovie, Garage Band, iPhoto, iDVD, iTunes), etc.

  • Master in Graphic Design and Web Projects, Institute of Visual Arts.

design and video

  • Master Graphic and web design, Institute of Visual Arts

  • Video recording and editing, LENS School of Visual Arts


  • Spanish, French and English (Advanced Level)

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