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From 2009 to 2014 he participates and is a co-founding member of the projects T.A.C.H., La mínima and Aula 3 in which he approaches creation in a collective way. Since 2014 he began to make his own solo creations, premiering “A minute of silence”, “Reflexiones de una disléxica” (Surge Madrid Festival), “Time Out”, “Olvido Hilo Blanco” ( Festival Madrid in Dance), Project for unconventional spaces "Ephemeral Sketch" from 2017 to the present in different institutions (Fundacion Telefonica, CAB de Burgos, University of Navarra, Museo del Prado among others), "Tr3s" Conde Duque, " And maybe he smiled” (Madrid Surge Festival), “One Moment In time- NOW” Teatro Pradillo.

Since 2018 he has co-directed 10&10 together with Mónica Runde and Elisa Sanz.

She is an assistant director in various projects, accompanying the choreography, dramaturgy and composition work of the scenic space.

For years he has collaborated as an interpreter in productions by different stage directors and choreographers such as Carmen Werner, Sharon Friedman, Jesús Rubio Gamo, El Curro DT, Natalia Menéndez, David Guerra, Guillermo Womutt, Mónica Runde, Pedro Berdäyes among others.

She has studied dramatic art (Rehearsal 100 and DT Espacio Escénico) and contemporary dance with teachers such as Mónica Valenciano, Ángela Rodríguez, Michelle Man, Marnie Thomas, David Zambrano among others and graduated in contemporary dance from the Marienma Royal Professional Conservatory of Dance. from Madrid with the teachers Pedro Berdäyes, Christine Tanguay, Julia Estévez and Oscar Lozano. 




-  “Zone” by Pedro Berdäyes DT Stage Space

- "For an apple" by El Curro DT


- "For an apple" by El Curro DT
- "The minimum expression" of Compañía la Mínima, DT Espacio Escénico


- “Shine On” choreography by Pedro Berdäyes
- “H” stands for T.A.C.H. (co-creator), DT Espacio Escénico ©
- “Rizoma” by Sharon Friedma C. Conde duque-dance window


- "Hylomorphism" by Mónica Runde Sala Mirador - Center for New Creators, Madrid.


- “On Tuesdays I used to go to school by bicycle” by La Minima (co-creator) DT Espacio Escénico ©

- "Now" by T.A.C.H. in Sala Mirador – Center for New Creators, Madrid ©
- "Irudi" by Kubuk Danza at DT Espacio Escénico, within the SurgeMadrid Festival


- “A minute of silence” by Inés Narváez, at DT Espacio Escénico, Madrid ©

- "Out line" by David Guerra - Kubuk dance, Alondiga, Bilbao.


- "Reflections of a dyslexic" by Inés Narváez, Festival Surge Madrid©
- ”Time Out” 15 min version of Aula 3 (co-creator) Madrid Choreographic Contest © 

- "In search of the Unicorn" Cía La minima Paco Rabal Theater, Madrid.


- ”Time Out” by Juan Cabrera, Inés Narváez and Denislav Valentinov, Sala Cuarta Pared, Madrid © 

- “Angst” A teenage horror story by elotrovacio  in Dt Scenic Space.

- ”Epifanias” (short pieces from the repertoire) Cía La minima, Teatro la Grada, Madrid ©
- “ Hilo blanco” by Inés Narváez and Mónica Runde, Sala Cuarta Pared in Madrid, Madrid International Dance Festival © 


- “La Villana” by Amadeo Vives, Dir Natalia Menéndez, Teatro de la Zarzuela, Madrid
- "Ephemeral sketch no 1" by Inés Narváez and Mónica Runde. Huarte Art Museum, Pamplona © 

- “And maybe smile” by Inés Narváez ©
- “Phoenix” by Inés Narváez ©
- "Eras de la felicidad" by Jesús Rubio Gamo
- “Tr3s” duet with Mónica Runde, by Inés Narváez ©


- “Ephemeral Sketch #3” by Inés Narváez and Mónica Runde. Burgos Art Center CAB ©
- "Now they" by Jesús Rubio Gamo
- “Ephemeral Sketch #5” by Inés Narváez and Mónica Runde. Telephone Foundation. © 

- “Aurore” by Luis Carlos Cuevas.
- "Anywhere, this place" by Alberto Almazán.
- "Bolero 2018" by Jesús Rubio Gamo.
- "ONDINE" inside the ETC Cuarta Pared Laboratories. ©


- "One moment in time (Notes)" Teatro Pradillo. ©
- "One moment in time-NOW" DT stage space. ©
- “By a Lady” by LA MINIMA
“The LIGHT” Ephemeral Sketch # 7- Inés Narváez and Mónica Runde. FestivalSURGE

- "I don't know the name of this but I WANT IT" Idea Gonzalo Simón


- "DOS DE GALA”. Co-production Teatros del Canal. Premiere October 2020.  

Ephemeral Sketch # 11. Lázaro Galdiano Museum, Madrid.
- Ephemeral Sketch # 13. Prado Museum, Madrid.
- "Muses". Surge Festival Premiere Room Cuarta Pared, Madrid ©


- “Linaje” by Descalzinha dance. 

- "Vivo Vivaldi" co-production Spanish Theatre. Premiere Naves del Español in         Slaughterhouse.


- “Precipitados” Co-production Teatros del Canal. Black Room Premiere.



- Disconnection of Gonzalo Simón.
- TALL by Gonzalo Simón and Juan Carlos Toledo.
- In search of happiness by Irene Vázquez.
- The sides of Gonzalo Simón's painting.
- Songs on rainy days from el Arando creations.

- One Moment in Time-Now by Narváez Arróspide. 

- By a Lady of the minima. 

- Skins and Folds by Gonzalo Simón.

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